2016. február 16., kedd

Cairngorms 5. day

Túra, 5. nap:

Daily summary:
Distance: 3.12 km
Total elevation: 23.8 m
Maps (Ordnance Survey):

After a pleasant night's sleep I woke up refreshed even though I could hear and feel the powerful wind all night. This was one of the things among others I was glad for to have my camp in a wooded area.
I cooked my breakfast while putting my staff away as usual then set off for the short walk into Aviemore at 9:45.

Breakfast is cooking while packing.

And it's already done.

I said my goodbyes to the mates.

 Dell Farm.

In the morning I managed to break off all the ice from my boot laces and I made such a nice job of it I could go straight to a ball.

River Druie.

 The hills I climbed yesterday weren't white any more, most of the snow seem to have melted during the night.


Cairn Gorm Ski Centre Closed down...

 ... due to the stormy wind. By this I mean the gust speeds reached 130 km/h during the day. The timing of my trip was quite fortunate.

River Spey.

Western end of the main street in Aviemore.

 McDonald hotel.

Cairngorm hotel

Aviemore train station.

Bye bye Cairngorms, it's been an adventure.